Have you started investing for your baby? 💸

5 Steps to Give Your Child a Financial Head Start ✨

We all know we should be ‘building wealth’ for our babies as soon as possible but it’s difficult to know where to start!

Which is why we’ve teamed up with award-winning family wealth manager Sophia Jarvis for our latest masterclass:

This session will teach you five steps to give your child a financial head start:

  1. Laying the Foundations: the importance of an emergency fund

  2. Choosing the Right Child Accounts: cash vs investing

  3. Making the Most of Tax-Efficient Incentives: clever ways to save tax and benefit from bonuses 

  4. Getting Family & Friends Involved: turning the head on traditional gift giving and (never ending!) plastic toys 

  5. Staying on Track: setting & achieving goals e.g university fees, their first house deposit or even their retirement! 

📹 Session is recorded so don’t worry if you can’t make the live date!

🙋🏻‍♀️ Time for your questions at the end

✅ FREE for Nugget Platinum Members

See you there!

Team Nugget x